Newscast Scheduling

You have two options for generating a newscast for your newscaster: manual generation or scheduling.

If you only want to preview the output of your newscaster format, please refer to the preview instructions here.

Generate a Newscast Manually

To manually generate a newscast, simply access the "three dots" menu in the upper right corner of a newscaster. Click this menu and select "Generate newscast" from the dropdown.

Newscaster three dots menu

Newscast Scheduling

To schedule the generation of a newscast, navigate to the "three dots" menu in the upper right corner of a newscaster and select "Scheduling" from the dropdown.

Newscaster scheduling screen

On the scheduling page of a newscaster, switch the "Newscast generation option" from "Manually only" to "Scheduled." This will enable the "Add a schedule" option. Click this button to create a schedule. After setting up a schedule, you'll see exactly when the newscasts will be generated, using the timezone from your team settings by default.

Generation on RSS Feed Changes

On the scheduling page of a newscaster, switch the "Newscast generation option" from "Manually only" to "Scheduled." You will find the option to "Generate a newscast when the source is updated." Check this box if you want your newscast to be generated whenever there is an update in the source.

Note that this option is not usually recommended. However, it may be suitable when you have full control over the source itself. Some radio stations use it for their own traffic source.

Keep in mind that with this option enabled, a new newscast is generated every time even a minor change occurs in your source, which could result in a significant amount of audio generation usage.